DriveShare Beta Launch - Test Group A

December 17, 2014

Dear Storj supporters,

We are announcing the start of Test Group A. We want to be sure you understand the requirements to participate and what outcomes we expect from Test Group A. 


  • A crowdsale SJCX address where you control the private key, to be able to sign a message for ownership verification. We recommend using Counterwallet. Addresses from exchanges and sources you don’t control will not be valid.
  • A balance of 10,000 SJCX in your crowdsale address. Your original crowdsale address can be topped up to and over 10,000 SJCX to be eligible.

What outcomes do we expect from Test Group A

  • To get load testing experience and statistics on our verification nodes.
  • To get uptime statistics for farmers, which is useful data for our distribution algorithms.

Who is Test Group A for
This is our first software beta and there may be technical problems and issues. Ideally we would prefer power-users, willing to deal with the problems and give us feedback. Users not willing to go through technical issues, troubleshooting, and actively provide feedback, should participate in later test groups.

  • There will be no SJCX rewards for participants.
  • We will not be loading users' hard drives with data yet, only 100-byte test files.

Ready to Get Started?

  • Proper instructions and support will be provided at the Hangout and IRC at release time.
  • Visit the Dedicated Thread for Support and Feedback on StorjTalk.

Not Eligible?

When is the launch?
The launch will be on Saturday December 20 at 8 PM (EST). We will host a live hangout and an IRC chat. In that event we will provide instructions and support, as well as answer questions. If there are any updates or delays we will keep you informed via social media or email. 

Have a great day,
The Storj Team

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