Town Hall - Live from ETHDenver

Ben Golub
March 27, 2023

As a company, we've done a Town Hall every quarter for the past 5 years. While most of the data about Storj is now available regularly in other places*, we've always viewed the Town Hall as a great way to communicate with more context with our customers and community members.

This quarter, we decided to mix things up and deliver the Town Hall live from the ETHDenver Conference, followed by an excellent panel with people from Akash, Livepeer, and Ankr. Our intention was to simulcast, but poor connectivity at the conference made this impossible. Fortunately, we recorded the session.

Copies of the slides can be found here:

We apologize for not posting immediately after the live event.

As always, thank you for your continued support!

- Ben

*Information about our token is summarized in a quarterly token report. We also provide all major wallet addresses, so you can track activity in real time.

Our source code has always been open, and is available at

Our roadmap is public, and is available at

We have a lively blog and forum

Live statistics on the state of the network are available via api

Some members of the community have also put together reports based on that API,, and while we can’t officially endorse them, we think they’re pretty cool


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